Christian Jensen

Professional IOS developer

client logos

Why me?


I will keep working on it untill you are satisfied with the work we agreed on


Made how you always have imagined it to be

Fair price

Together we will find a fair price for your app

Previous work


A party game made for young and festive people

perspective phone

App Screenshots

What can i provide?

I can help you with any stages of the development of your app


Your app vs. 2 mio apps. A beautiful design is crucial to stand out and make your user love your app at first glance


The app will contain all the features you want and will do it smoothly because who wants an app which run poorly?


Unfortunately just launching launching an app is not enough. Marketing is crucial for your apps success

Who am i


Short description

An highly ambitious student

I am a highly ambitious student who programs IOS apps in my free time. I am studying physics and mathematics at Roskilde Katedralskole in Denmark and have participated in several talent projects like ATU - Akademiet for Talentfulde Unge (The Academy of Talented Youth) and Science Talent camps where we explored different types of robots, AR etc.

I am also a very active person who loves doing sports and challenging myself to achieve the best I can. That was the main driver when I made it to the Danish Junior National Team of American Football. So if you hire me you can be certain I will give my best to achieve something great in collaboration with you.

What i like to do

Love being active and challenging myself both metally and physical

I have always love doing all kinds of sports. When i was i child i player soccer for several years and had fun with that. When i was 10 i started playing golf with my family and still do to this day. I have always runned a lot and recently i decided that i want to complete an ironman. So the goal is to complete and Ironman 70.3 and a marathon next summer and a full Ironman the year after that.

I have also played a lot of american football and were actually okay good at it. Most of it of course came from hours and hours of practice but finally i made it to the Junior National Team and competed in the Nordic Championsship. I love to make certain that things are done correctly and encourage people to do their upmost. At my local Football team I together with 2 other guys were the team captains.


Realtime Messaging service

Uniquely underwhelm premium outsourcing with proactive leadership skills.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rutrum, urna eu pellentesque pretium, nisi nisi fermentum enim, et sagittis dolor nulla vel sapien. Vestibulum sit amet mattis ante. Ut placerat dui eu nulla congue tincidunt ac a nibh. Mauris accumsan pulvinar lorem placerat volutpat. Praesent quis facilisis elit. Sed condimentum neque quis ex porttitor,

malesuada faucibus augue aliquet. Sed elit est, eleifend sed dapibus a, semper a eros. Vestibulum blandit vulputate pharetra. Phasellus lobortis leo a nisl euismod, eu faucibus justo sollicitudin. Mauris consectetur, tortor sed tempor malesuada, sem nunc porta augue, in dictum arcu tortor id turpis. Proin aliquet vulputate aliquam.

Live chat when you needed

Uniquely underwhelm premium outsourcing with proactive leadership skills.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rutrum, urna eu pellentesque pretium, nisi nisi fermentum enim, et sagittis dolor nulla vel sapien. Vestibulum sit amet mattis ante. Ut placerat dui eu nulla congue tincidunt ac a nibh. Mauris accumsan pulvinar lorem placerat volutpat. Praesent quis facilisis elit. Sed condimentum neque quis ex porttitor,

malesuada faucibus augue aliquet. Sed elit est, eleifend sed dapibus a, semper a eros. Vestibulum blandit vulputate pharetra. Phasellus lobortis leo a nisl euismod, eu faucibus justo sollicitudin. Mauris consectetur, tortor sed tempor malesuada, sem nunc porta augue, in dictum arcu tortor id turpis. Proin aliquet vulputate aliquam.

dual phone

Launch your App

Make that app you always have dreamed of creating come true

  • 1

    Send me a message that you want an app to be created so we can set up an meeting

  • 2

    We will discuss how you want your app to be and i will create it

  • 3

    Your dream have come true and you finally have your own app and can launch it on the app store if you like to


Contact me at